In dieser kleinen informellen Umfrage werden die verschiedenen individuellen Perspektiven des „Milonga-Raums“ beleuchtet. Da nicht alle der Befragten Deutsch sprechen werden die Fragen auf englisch gestellt.
#04 YANICK WYLER (Zürich)
1. Why do you go to a Milonga?
To find, explore and share my tango of the moment and to enjoy dancing in a group setting.
2. In short, what are the three most important factors for a good Milonga?
A good DJ, an inspired DJ, a knowledgeable DJ.
3. How do you define „good Milonga“?
Internally: when i feel present and satisfied and usually happy with where I am. Externally: quality of music, sound, people, floor, bar, air, space.
4. In short, what are the three things that you do not want to experience at a Milonga?
Monotony, politics, aggression.
5. How do you choose who you dance with at a Milonga?
Experience, curiosity, spontaneity.
6. What are your thoughts on open role dancing at a Milonga?
No problem, no limitations, no obligation.
7. Do you have a most beautiful memory of a Milonga?
… when many years ago I was dancing in La Viruta with a friend and made a little boleo atras, kicked one of those flimsy plastic garden style tables which went airborne including three or four full glasses, showering a half dozen of innocent bystanders in a smelly sprinkle of Quilmes beer. (This also answers question nr 4)
8. How do you see your role at a Milonga?
Be true to the moment and to myself, be nice but fun, take some risk but with respect, be alive and thankful, be open and grateful, be inspired and sharing, get a couple of drinks at the bar … some times it works better than others.
*) Who are you and what drives you?
Coming from a small Swiss mountain village, after diving into filming super eight movies, hip hop, street dance, industrial design, carpentery I spent half of my life within the Tango community, learning, teaching, exchanging ideas and developing this dance. I know that I am just one piece of the mosaic that keeps building and creating this dance. My heart and focus is in the art and truth of human creativity and interaction.