ONE-A-WEEK-SURVEY-2025-#03 – Gabriela Dumitrescu

In dieser kleinen informellen Umfrage werden die verschiedenen individuellen Perspektiven des „Milonga-Raums“ beleuchtet. Da nicht alle der Befragten Deutsch sprechen werden die Fragen auf englisch gestellt.

#03 Gabriela Dumitrescu (Berlin)

1. Why do you go to a Milonga?
Mainly to dance, but also to drink a glass of wine, see friends and listen to good music. And to have fun, and enjoy myself.

2. In short, what are the three most important factors for a good Milonga?
A good DJ, good dancers and a good dance floor.

3. How do you define „good Milonga“?
A relaxed and happy atmosphere with a DJ that keeps me wanting to dance and of course enough dancers to dance with.

4. In short, what are the three things that you do not want to experience at a Milonga?
A chaotic dance floor, an overcrowded space, bad music.

5. How do you choose who you dance with at a Milonga?
That depends on many different things like mood, the general atmosphere, the particular Tanda, how much or how little I‘ve already danced. For example, dancing Milonga with someone I‘ve never danced with before, is a risk I very rarely take.

6. What are your thoughts on open role dancing at a Milonga?
I love it!

7. Do you have a most beautiful memory of a Milonga?
Too many to list here.

8. How do you see your role at a Milonga?
I try to give whoever I dance with a pleasurable experience, dancing to the best of my abilities. Other than that, I have the best time that I can have, hoping to inspire people by being in a good mood.

*) Who are you and what drives you?
dancer, choreographer, artist – in search of beauty and truth

Foto: Katharina Buccarello