ONE-A-WEEK-SURVEY-2025-#02 – Joscha Engel

In dieser kleinen informellen Umfrage werden die verschiedenen individuellen Perspektiven des „Milonga-Raums“ beleuchtet. Da nicht alle der Befragten Deutsch sprechen werden die Fragen auf englisch gestellt.

#02 Joscha Engel (Wien)

1. Why do you go to a Milonga?
To meet friends, socialise and enjoy and share my emotions through embraces within the music.

2. In short, what are the three most important factors for a good Milonga?
Welcoming atmosphere, inviting organiser.
A safe space where I can choose to mingle or withdraw.
Respectful and open people.

3. How do you define „good Milonga“?
Subjective: A good Milonga is the one where I can lose myself and find myself anew. I go home filled with emotions, inspired by the encounters I had.

4. In short, what are the three things that you do not want to experience at a Milonga?
One sided interactions.
Feeling to be pushed into a role I don’t want to have.
Verbal, emotional or physical abuse.

5. How do you choose who you dance with at a Milonga?
I choose to share a dance with a friend, with someone who’s body language is inviting or with a dancer I know I can enjoy the mutual interaction.

6. What are your thoughts on open role dancing at a Milonga?
What does it mean? Humans with humans is beautiful when being respectful.

7. Do you have a most beautiful memory of a Milonga?
I remember la Viruta in Buenos Aires one night. I danced only a tanda in the beginning but was inspired by the intense music and so many different ways to move and dance. Inspired by beautiful people. And then I got invited by a dancer I didn’t notice before and enjoyed my last tanda to the fullest. I left at 5:30, emotionally fulfilled and physically exhausted but with a lot of energy and beautiful memories.

8. How do you see your role at a Milonga?
Everyone contributes to the Milonga with their presence. I sometimes wish I would be more anonymous as some people expect something from me, that I can’t always give. But I’m aware and always try to bring my honest state of being into the Milonga… it can be anything when coming from a genuine place.

*) Who are you and what drives you?
Professional dancer, performer, teacher. With my partner, Sayaka Higuchi, I try to understand and develop tango further from the perspective of an honest mutual encounter – an emotional conversation through body language.