ONE-A-WEEK-SURVEY-2025-#01 – Sonja Zivanovic

Ich habe ein kleines Projekt, das ich im Jahr 2025 durchführen möchte. Eine kleine informelle Umfrage. Um die verschiedenen individuellen Perspektiven des „Milonga-Raums“ zu beleuchten, den ich als einen mythischen Raum wahrnehme. In Gesprächen, die ich führe, vermischen sich oft individuelle Gedanken und Vorlieben mit Forderungen, Ansprüchen und Aussagen darüber, was eine Milonga „ist“. Ohne der Tatsache Raum zu geben, dass die Milonga von uns allen gestaltet wird und somit mehr „ist“ als das, was ich bin.
Da nicht alle der Befragten Deutsch sprechen stelle ich die Fragen auf englisch. Voraussichtlich erscheint ein Interview pro Woche.

#01 Sonja Zivanovic

1. Why do you go to a Milonga?
There are 2 main reasons: To dance and to meet friends.

2. In short, what are the three most important factors for a good Milonga?
Good music, nice crowd and enough air.

3. How do you define „good Milonga“?
A place that makes people forget about everything else

4. In short, what are the three things that you do not want to experience at a Milonga?
No air, bad music and no one to dance with.

5. How do you choose who you dance with at a Milonga?
There is no one answer to this question.
It can be a friend, with whom I want to share a dance, too.
Or a good dancer, with whom I can enjoy to the fullest the dance itself.
Sometimes a person with whom I can not have dancing pleasure, but I want to support him/her on his/her tango journey.

6. What are your thoughts on open role dancing at a Milonga?
I don’t even understand why it should be a topic at all. I mean, why would anyone care who is dancing with whom?

7. Do you have a most beautiful memory of a Milonga?
Not really. After being in Tango for almost 20 years, it became impossible to have “one most beautiful memory”

8. How do you see your role at a Milonga?
Lately I prefer not to have any “role” at the milonga, apart from having a good time for myself. Since 2008, I’ve been developing a tango community in Belgrade, very passionately and with full devotion. In this period of time I have organized numerous milongas. After 17 years of having an “important” role at milongas, taking care of everyone in the room, I feel need some time taking care “only” about myself. But often I find not easy switching off that “good host” button.

*) Who are you and what drives you?
I think I am still searching for this answer myself 🙂
Facts wise: Woman, professional actress, milonguera, tango teacher, tango DJ, since 2008 owner and CEO of Instituto Tango Natural, owner&organizer of Belgrade Tango Encuentro festival&marathon, Bratislava Tango Festival (Slovakia), Summer Tango Camp Kolašin-Montenegro, Belgrade Summer Tango Marathon, Belgrade New Year’s Tango Marathon, Belgrade Tango Weekends.

Photo: Petar Pavlov